Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Study on Job Satisfaction of Employee

A STUDY ON JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES CONTENTS |Sl. No. |Title |Page No. | |1. Introduction |1 – 5 | | | |Statement of the Problem |1 | | | |Objectives of the Study |1 | | | |Scope and Significance of the Study |2 | | | |Research Methodology |2 | | | |Limitations of the Study |4 | | | |Chapteraisation |4 | |2. Profiles |6 – 17 | | | |Industry profile |6 | | | |Company profile |8 | | | |Product profile |13 | |3. |Theoretical Framework |18 – 28 | |4. |Analysis and Interpretation |29 – 40 | |5. |Findings and Recommendations |41 – 42 | |6. Summary |43 | | |Bibliography | | | |Appendix | | LIST OF TABLES |Table |Description |Page No. | | | | | |4. 1 |Score of Various Attributes |30 | |4. 2 |Score of Various Attributes |31 | |4. |Score of Various Attributes |32 | |4. 4 |Score of Various Attributes |33 | |4. 5 |Gender of Respondents |34 | |4. 6 |Educational Qualification |35 | |4. 7 |Experience of the Respondents |36 | |4. 8 |Age of the Res pondents |37 | |4. |Marital Status of the Respondents |38 | | | | | LIST OF FIGURES |Figure |Description |Page No. | | | | | |4. 1 |Score of Various Attributes |30 | |4. 2 |Score of Various Attributes |31 | |4. 3 |Score of Various Attributes 32 | |4. 4 |Score of Various Attributes |33 | |4. 5 |Gender of Respondents |34 | |4. 6 |Educational Qualification |35 | |4. 7 |Experience of the Respondents |36 | |4. 8 |Age of the Respondents |37 | |4. |Marital Status of the Respondents |38 | | | | | Chapter I Introduction Introduction ? Statement of the problem ? Objectives of the Study ? Scope and Significance of the Study ? Research Methodology ? Limitation of the Study ? Chapterisation Chapter III THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK Chapter IV ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION Chapter V SUMMARY, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Chapter VI SUMMARY APPENDIX BIBLIOGRAPHY Chapter IIPROFILES Industry Profile ? Company Profile ? Product Profile INTRODUCTION A study was conducted at, WESTERN INDIA PLYWOODS, VALAPAT TANAM, the largest integrated wood processing complex in the country on Job Satisfaction of the employees. Job satisfaction is a set of favorable or unfavorable feelings and emotions with which employees view their work. Job satisfaction is an affective attitude — a feeling of relative like or dislike toward something. Job satisfaction typically refers to the attitudes of a single employee. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM Western India Plywoods has been incurring losses in the last few years. Health, knowledge, skill level etc. f employees are significant factors that can influence the fate of an organization. The causes of business failure may be internal and external, mostly by people related issues. This study attempts at finding the current level of job satisfaction of employees at Western India Plywoods and what it means for its turnaround. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY Main Objective The main objective is to study the satisfaction level of workers with respect to various factors. Su b-Objectives ? To study the employee perception about personnel policies. ? To identify ways of improving job satisfaction, if possible. SCOPE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The study is limited to the workers at the WESTERN INDIA PLYWOODS.It is conducted with the objective of finding various factors affecting the job satisfaction of workers in the company. This study in its practical and theoretical sense will help the management in assessing the satisfaction level of the workers. Job satisfaction of the employees is the major concern of every organization. Dissatisfied employees is a major threat to the company causing a decline in every functions of the company. So the study on the job satisfaction of the employees gains more importance and significance in the sense that it affects productivity and hence the existence of the company. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Design . The study conducted at WESTERN INDIA PLYWOODS was descriptive in nature.It aims at portraying accurately the c haracteristics of a group or situation. Sampling Design The technique adopted for the sampling is convenient sampling . Sample Size and population The workers of Western India Plywoods constituted the population for the study. It has 900 permanent workers. The sample selected for the study is limited to 50 for convenience. Study Variables The following variables were selected for the study ? Gender of respondents ? Age of respondents ? Educational qualification ? Experience of employees ? Time spent with family ? Wage level ? Opinion about promotion policy, job security, recognition, work place relationship, etc was also included. Methods of Data CollectionData were collected from both primary and secondary sources. Primary data were collected from the workers by means of Questionnaire and the secondary data were compiled from past records, journals and the Internet. Tools of Data Collection Questionnaire was prepared to collect the relevant data. Major variables such as promotional factors, motivational factors, personal factors and environmental factors were considered while preparing questionnaire. The questionnaire was prepared after an initial discussion with a few employees, HR manager, trade union representatives etc. For the questionnaire, closed -end questions were used. Data Analysis and InterpretationThe data analysis and presentation were done using mean, chi-square test, frequency tables, bar charts and pie-diagram. LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY ? Chances of bias from the respondents cannot be neglected. ? Qualitative study poses a problem of proper articulation of feelings and emotions. In an organizational context superior behaviour may also affect quality of responses. CHAPTERISATION Chapter I Introduction deals with â€Å"introduction to the study†, â€Å"Statement of the Problem†, â€Å"Objectives of the Study†, â€Å"Scope and Significance of the Study†, â€Å"Research Methodology† and â€Å"Limitation of the S tudy†. Chapter II Profile deals with â€Å"Industry Profile†, â€Å"Company Profile†, and â€Å"product profile.Chapter III, â€Å"Theoretical Framework† of job satisfaction Chapter IV, Analysis and Interpretation deals with the analysis and interpretation of the data collected from the respondents. Chapter V Summary, Findings and Recommendations deals with findings from the analysis and the suggestions based on the findings. CONCLUSION This chapter we presented the problem, objectives, scope and significance of the study. The research methodology and limitation of the study were also mentioned . The next chapter deals with profile of the company, its products and markets. INDUSTRY PROFILE INTRODUCTION According to archeologist, man’s cultural progress can be traced in the art of wood veneering.Relics, found in Egypt and Chinese tombs dating from 2002 BC indicate that veneering combines art and science. The 14th century witnessed the revival of art and brought to veneering a new figure and beauty. Today modern machinery and mass production technique produce veneers that are used to build nearly 80% of furniture. PLYWOOD INDUSTRY The necessity of making plywood arises out of the inherent defect in wood plywood in an engineered wood panel . made from thin layer of wood veneers assembled with grain direction of adjacent veneer as right angled to each other with layers of synthetic resins, adhesive and pressed under high heat and pressure, thus imparting a great degree of strength.It is dimensionally stable and strongest sheet material to weight ratio . It is technically designed to be strong and stiff enough to safely replace more than three times thick solid timber for the same use. It appears, plywood industry has become an innocent victim of gross misconception. The unfounded impression that this industry is exerting pressure on our natural resources is factually incorrect. It is in total disagreed to its excellent role as an economic substitute of solid wood and thus prevention of natural forest and ecology. Strangely enough the government desires that the use of aluminium, steel and plastic as substitute of solid wood in buildings may be encouraged.Similarly other substitute like wood based board and medium densified fiber board are claiming their superiority over plywood in terms of its functional use and ecology conservation role. PRODUCT PROFILE The company produces traditional general-purpose commercial and decorative plywood. In addition to that the company proudly presents an exciting range of specially plywood panels and materials for specific applications. 1. WESIND FIRE RETARDANT PLYWOOD This plywood is ideal for residential and non-residential building, transportation vehicles etc. This plywood meets the British Standards Specification and has been certified by the British Standard Institute. 2. WESTIND FIRE RETARDANT PLYWOODExperts in the aviation field have acclaimed this extra ordinary pr oduct of the Company for its unparalleled quality. This product has earned the recognition of the Directorate of Civil Aviation, Government of India, on its introduction itself. 3. WESTIND MARINE PLYWOOD Made of special category timber, this highly durable plywood ensures smooth sailing of vessels in the harsh marine environment. 4. WESTIND RESIN COATED PLYWOOD BWR plywood is coated with a special grade phenolic resin coated plywood's impart a superior finish to the concrete surface and avoid the tedious and expensive plastering operation. 5. WESTIND FLOORING BOARDS These boards have been developed using veneer hard board laminates.The boards have been given a social water repellent treatment and the unique is that they can be cut to nay size to suit the requirement of the floor area. It can be directly laid on a raw concrete floor by applying a thin coat of suitable adhesive. 6. WESTED FURNITURE WESTERN INDIA PLYWOOD specializes in exquisite and molded plywood furniture, which will exceed your expectations regarding strength and durability. WESTIND furniture is manufactured utilizing the finest building material available in the market. It is a matter of pride to WIP that the loose furniture in the Leela Goa project was entirely supplied by the company. It is made with a judicious blend of solid timber and composite panels to optimise strength and cost.The company adopts ultra modern technology to give the products of lasting value and elegance. 7. WESTED SUPTER BLOCK BOARDS Bonded with phenolic resing to produce by a special process with extra core. This product is free from warping and surface undulation. It is a superior to conventional block board and particle board. Its more stable than conventional block boards and its nailing and screw holding properties are superb. 8. WESTING COMPREG Densified and super toughened wood panel products made from veneers impregnated with synthetic resin adhesive and pressed at elevated temperatures and pressures. ? WIPWOO D – for textile and jute mill looms. ? WIPROC – for press forming tools in sheet metal and Aeronautical industries. WIPLAC-panels for rail coach furnishing. ? WIPBEAR-for rolls bearing application ? WIP FILTER PLATES AND FRAME WORKS – for filtration in Chemical industries. ? WIPCHECK-compressed floor board for Automobile, industrial and rail coach furnishing. ? WIPCOM-for high and low voltage insulation in air or in an oil bath. COMPREG MOULED CHAIR SEATS – for EMU rail coaches, Auditorium, Theatres and restaurants. The introduction of WIPLAC and a host of other innovative products underlie the company's commitment to the industry and provide reason for the luminous reputation in the country's larges integrated wood product company enjoys in domestic and international markets.In 1978, WIP set up a plant for manufacturing Di-ally phthalate molding powder, a thermo set which had to be imported with them. Significantly, the technology was developed in house with support from Shree Ram Institute of Industrial research, Delhi. In 1989, the Company put up a pre-finishing plant for direct printing wood grains and plain colours onto hard boards and plywood using radiation curved surface finishes. The pre-finishing plant is the only one of its kind in the country and one of the few in the world. All the raw materials and processes employed in the plant are 100% Eco-Friendly. The company's products are exported to quality conscious markets around the world. MARKETSThe Company has been passing through acute problems for sourcing good raw materials, the price of which increases almost on a daily basis. The main raw material for the company, i. e. , timber, is being exported and here again the company has no control over the price, which varies from shipment to shipment. The company has also no control over the levies being made by Central State Government. Also, the steep increase in cost of imported raw materials, the high power tariff and the ever increasing cost of Furnace oil and other petroleum products collectively put together rendered the company's products uncompetitive in the market. CONSERVATION OF ENERGY The energy conservation measures taken are as follows:Installed variable frequency drives for mating conveyors in No: II Hard board line to eliminate components like brakes, clutches, V-belts and inching motors. By retaining the existing motors, considerable power saving has been achieved. Optimized cooling tower operation by retrofitting and introduction of energy savers in cooling fans Installed level monitoring, closed loop control system for white water chest, and achieved optimisation in white water usage. Introduced automatic Delta Star running system for partial loaded motors in plywood and hardwood plants. The company has also achieved 100% utilization of source raw materials due to its integrated production system. Therefore, it would be apt to call the Western India Plywood's Ltd. â€Å"the company with a conscience. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK INTRODUCTION In this chapter theoretical aspect of job satisfaction is recorded. Job satisfaction reflects the extent to which people find gratification or fulfillment in their work. Job satisfaction is a combination of psychological and environmental factors that make a person to admit, I am happy at my job. Extensive Research on job satisfaction shows that personal factors such as individual's needs and aspirations determine his attitude, along with group and organizational factors such as relationship with co-workers and supervisors, working conditions, work policies, and compensation. DEFINITIONWe can define job satisfaction as involving cognitive, affective and evaluating reactions or attitudes and states it is a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experience. Job satisfaction is a result of employee's perception of how well their job provides those things that are viewed as important. Through the years five job dimensions have been identified to represent the most important characteristics of a job about which employees have affective responses. These are: ? The work itself: The extent to which the job provides the individual with interesting tasks, opportunities for learning and the chance to accept responsibility. Pay: The amount of financial remuneration that is received and the degree to which this is viewed as equitable that of others in the organization. ? Promotional opportunities. The chances for advancement in the organization. ? Supervision: The abilities of the supervisor to provide technical assistance and behavioral support. ? Co-workers: the degree to which fellow workers are technically proficient and socially supportive. There are number of factors that influence job satisfaction. However the main factors are: I. PROMOTIONAL FACTORS Promotional opportunities seem to have a varying effect on job satisfaction. This is because promotions take a numb er of different forms and have a variety of accompanying rewards.For example, individuals who are promoted on the basis of seniority often experience job satisfaction but not as much as those who are promoted on the basis of performance. A promotion is the transfer of an employee to a job which pays more money or one that carries same preferred status. A promotion may be defined as an upward advancement of an employee in an organization to another job, which commands better pay/wages, better status/prestige, and higher opportunities/challenges, responsibility, and authority, better working environment, hours of work and facilities, and a higher rank. A promotion is a vertical move in the rank and responsibility. Involved in a promotion may be some measure of skill; and responsibility. Promotions are usually given: ?To put the worker in a position where he will be of greater value to the company and where he may derive increased personal satisfaction and income from the work; ? To re cognize an individual's performance and reward him for his work so that he may have an incentive to forge ahead. Employees will have little motivation if better jobs are reserved for outsiders. ? To increase an employee's organizational effectiveness; ? To promote job satisfaction among the employees and give them an opportunity for unbroken, continuous service; ? To build up morale, loyalty, and a sense of belonging on the part of the employees when it is brought home to them that they would be promoted if they deserve it; ?To attract suitable and competent workers for the organization. II. MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS There is no doubt that motivation is the key to the promotion of proper good human relations. The term â€Å"motivation† was originally derived from the Latin word movere, which means â€Å"to move†. We can define motivation as an inner state that energises, activates, or moves (hence ‘motivation'), and that directs or channels behavior towards goals. Thu s motivation is a general term that applies to the entire class of energy, drive, tension and similar forces. The studies can be classified under two groups, on the basis of convenience and simplifications, viz. , traditional theories, and modern theories.The traditional theories are based on mostly the â€Å"human relations approach† in management, with little attention to psychological processes that occur. This approach was based upon three simple assumptions: ? Personnel primarily are economically motivated and secondarily desire security and good working conditions. ? Provision of the above rewards to personnel will have a positive effect on the morale. There is a positive correlation between morale and productivity. III. PERSONAL FACTORS Personal factors comprises name, age, sex, marital status, experience, spending time with the family are the personal factors affecting the level of job satisfaction.Age: The relationship between age and job satisfaction could be comple x generally one would expect that as the person gets older greater would be his job satisfaction level because of the experience and the case with which he would he will be able to perform his work Education: The relation between job satisfaction and education is based on how his educational qualification helps him to meet the job requirements and how he is able to utilize to earn additional promotion or a fare salary. However it is reasonable to assume that the more educated would be more frustrated. Years of experience: The relation between job satisfaction and years of experience is such that a new employee would be more satisfied with his job because of the enthusiasm of the work but these gradually decrease and increases when he reaches the stage of retirement as there is no other alternative opportunity available to him IV. ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORSInterpersonal relationship with supervisor-There seems to be two dimensions of supervisory style that affect job satisfaction. One is employee centeredness, which is measured by the degree to which a supervisor takes a personal interest and cares about the employee. It commonly is manifested in ways such as checking to see how well the employee is doing. The other dimension is participation or influence, as illustrated by managers who allow their people to participate in decisions that affect their own jobs. In most cases, this approach leads to higher job satisfaction. A participative climate created by the supervisor has a more substantial effect on worker's satisfaction Interpersonal relation with work groups will have an effect on job satisfaction.Friendly, co-operative co-workers or team members are a modest source of job satisfaction to individual employees. The work group especially a â€Å"tight† team, serves as a source of support, comfort, advice and assistance to the individual members. A â€Å"good† work group or effective team makes the job more enjoyable. However, this factor is not job satisfaction. On the other hand, if the reverse condition exists the people are difficult to get along with this factor may have a negative effect on job satisfaction. Working conditions have a modest effect on job satisfaction. If the working conditions are good (clean, attractive surroundings for instance), the personnel will find it easier to carry out their jobs.If the working conditions are poor (hot, noisy surroundings for example), personnel will find it more difficult to get things done. In other words, the effect of working conditions on job satisfaction is similar to that of the work group; there may or may not be a job satisfaction problem. Hertzberg’s motivation and hygiene factors are relevant in job satisfaction. If the workers get adequate opportunity to hear and to be heard by the top management it can be a source of job satisfaction. This observation has been subscribed by Vroom while he holds that there exists a relationship between job satisfaction and opp ortunity for self-express. [pic]A MODEL OF JOB SATISFACTION The model of job satisfaction is presented below: EXPECTATIONS ACTUAL ABOUT JOBSCONDITIONS DISCREPANCIES PAYPAY WORK ITSELFWORK ITSELF PROMOTIONSPROMOTIONS COWORKERSCOWORKERS WORKING CONDITIONSWORKING CONDITIONS SUPER VISORSSUPER VISORS EMPLOYEE JOB SATISFACTION Basically, job satisfaction is determined by the ‘discrepancy’ between what individuals expect to get out of their jobs and what the job actually offers. A person will be dissatisfied if there is less than the desire amount of job characteristics in the job. For instance if a person expects to be promoted in six month and then is not, the person will be dissatisfied.A person will be satisfied if there is no discrepancy between decide and actual conditions. If it is more than the employee expected of some job factor and the excess is beneficial (e. g. a large bonus, faster promotion) then the person will be very highly satisfied. Job Satisfaction And Pro ductivity Historically the concept of human relations assumed that high job satisfaction led to high productivity but later research indicated that this was an incorrect assumption. Satisfied workers turned out be either high producers or low producers only on average producers. The satisfaction-productivity relationship appeared to quite complex being influenced by various intermediate factors such as rewards than an employee receives.The question has often risen whether job satisfaction leads to performance of performance leads to job satisfaction. Lawler and Porter have developed a model that suggests that productivity leads to satisfaction. According to them, performance leads to reward and if these are perceived to equitable employee, satisfaction is the result. The assumption, which seems most realistic, is that satisfaction and productivity are in a circular relationship in which each affects the other. From the various studies a general relationship emerges between job satis faction and productivity as shown in figure Relationship between Job satisfaction and Productivity [pic]Here in X, Y graph where X = Productivity and Y = Job satisfaction Line A = High Job satisfaction and Less Productivity Line B = High Job satisfaction and High productivity Lind C = High productivity and less job satisfaction. Here ‘line C’ of chart shows the conditions of high productivity and low job satisfaction which can be occur when the supervisors push the production through techniques of scientific management such as methods study, time study and close supervision. C. B MAMORIA – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT ‘Line A’ represents a condition which believes that satisfied workers are the best workers and try to keep workers happy regardless of the affects on organizational goals.In this condition, the worker may derive such job satisfaction, but work may be done. One supervisor describes this condition, as â€Å"my workers due so happy that they donà ¢â‚¬â„¢t feel like my working†. The middle ‘line B’ appears to be the most desirable agreement-where high satisfaction and high productivity are combined together CONCLUSION In this chapter the theoretical aspects of job satisfaction were discussed. Major variables such as promotional factors, motivational factors, personal factors and environmental factors were considered . The relationship between job satisfaction and productivity was also described. The next chapter gives analysis and interpretation of the survey data. ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION INTRODUCTIONIn this chapter the analysis of the collected data is shown. Analysis of data is made possible through Frequency Tables, Bar Charts, Pie-diagram, and Chi-Square test. Information is interpreted in percentage forms. Scoring method is also used to find the score of various attributes. Mean of various attributes are also shown. In scoring method score is given to the options for example. Score given to Strongl y agree, agree, no opinion, disagree, strongly disagree is +2, +1,0, -1, -2 respectively. Mean: mean is the most common measure of central tendency and can be defined as the value of various given items in a series by the total number of items. Mean = (fx / (f TEST OF HYPOTHESISThe test of hypothesis is a process of testing significance regarding the parameter of the population on the basis of the sample. Chi-Square test is used to test the significance of the parameters of the population. Formula for Calculating X2 : [pic] Where O = Observed Frequency, E = Expected Frequency, Degree of Freedom = (C-1) (R-1) Table: 4. 1 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES |SI NO |ATTRIBUTES |SCORE | |1 |Standard of living |0. 6 | |2 |Promotion policy |-0. 4 | |3 |Job security |0. 64 | *Source: survey data From the table we can find that the score of standard of living is 0. 6 and the score of promotion policy is -0. 54 while job security got 0. 64. Figure 4. 1 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES [pic] The above ta ble is shown in graph. From that we can see that the graph of promotion policy came to the negative side. Majority of the employees are not satisfied with the promotion policy. They have the opinion that the present job has improved their standard of living and they think that their job is secure. Table 4. 2 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES SI NO |ATTRIBUTES |SCORE | |1 |Appreciation |-0. 38 | |2 |Suggestion |0. 08 | |3 |Salary |-0. 3 | *Source: survey data From the table we can find that the score of appreciation from superiors is -0. 38. The score of salary is -0. 3 Figure 4. 2 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES [pic] The above table is shown in graph. From that we can see that they are not getting appreciation from the superiors. The superiors are not inviting suggestions from the employees. The salary given to them is not adequate. Table 4. 3SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES |SI NO |ATTRIBUTES |SCORE | |1 |Better job prospect |-0. 6 | |2 |Job change |-0. 02 | |3 |Skill |-0. 32 | |4 |Time spent w ith family |0. 5 | *Source: survey data From the table we can find that the score of desire to change the present job is -0. 02.Utilization of skill got a score of -0. 32 while the time spent with family got 0. 5. Figure 4. 3 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES [pic] The above table is shown in graph. From that we can analyse that majority think that they don’t have a better job prospect as per their qualification. They don’t want to change the present job. Majority are having the opinion that their skills are not properly utilized. They are getting enough time with their family. Table 4. 4 SCORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES |SI NO |ATTRIBUTES |SCORE | |1 |Trade union activities |0. | |2 |Welfare measures |0 | |3 |Working condition |0. 44 | |4 |Relationship with co-workers |0. 82 | *Source: survey data From the table we can find that the activities of trade union got 0. 4 as its score, while working condition scored 0. 44. the relationship with co-workers scored 0. 82. Figure 4. 4 S CORE OF VARIOUS ATTRIBUTES [pic] The above table is shown in graph. The employees are having a nice opinion about the trade union activities and working condition. A healthy relationship exists between workers and their superiors.The welfare measures provided by the company are not adequate. Table: 4. 5 GENDER OF RESPONDENTS |SI NO |SEX |FREQUENCY |PERCENTAGE | |1 |Male |41 |82 | |2 |Female |9 |18 | *Source: survey data From the table we can analyze that 82% of the employees are male and 18% is female Figure 4. 5 GENDER OF RESPONDENTS [pic] The same date is shown with the help of pie-diagram. From that we can see that majority of the respondents are male. Table: 4. 6 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION SI NO |EDUCATION |FREQUENCY |PERCENTAGE | |1 |SSLC |39 |78 | |2 |HSC |8 |16 | |3 |GRADUATION |3 |6 | |4 |PG |0 |0 | *Source: survey data The educational qualification of respondents is shown in the table. 78 % of the workers have education up to school level and 16% of them are having education al qualification HSC . 6% of the respondents are graduates. Figure 4. 6 EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION [pic] The above table is shown in graph. From that we can interpret that majority are having their education up to school level. Table: 4. 7 EXPERIENCE OF THE RESPONDENTS |SI NO |EXPERIENCE |FREQUENCY PERCENTAGE | |1 |0 to 10 |8 |16 | |2 |10 to 20 |27 |54 | |3 |20 to 30 |10 |20 | |4 |30 to 40 |5 |10 | *Source: survey data Mean experience= 17. 4 The experience of respondents is shown in the table. 54% of them are having experience between 10 to 20 years. 16% comes under the range 0 to 10. Only 10 of them have experience above 30 years. Figure 4. 7 EXPERIENCE OF THE RESPONDENTS [pic] The above table is shown in graph. From that we can see that majority are having experience between 10 to 20 years. Table: 4. 8 AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS SI NO |AGE |FREQUENCY |PERCENTAGE | |1 |21 – 30 |12 |24 | |2 |31- 40 |32 |64 | |3 |41 to 50 |4 |8 | |4 |above 50 |2 |4 | *Source: survey data Mean age = 36 From the table we can see that 64%of the respondents come under the age group 31 to 40 Figure 4. 8 AGE OF THE RESPONDENTS [pic] The same data is shown in the graph. Table: 4. 9 MARITAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS SI NO |MARITAL STATUS |FREQUENCY | | | | | | | | | | |PERCENTAGE | |1 |Married |35 |70 | |2 |Single |15 |30 | *Source: survey data The marital status of the employees is shown in the table. We can see that 70%of the employees are married. Figure 4. 9: MARITAL STATUS OF THE RESPONDENTS [pic] The same data is shown with the help of graph. Chi- square is a non parametric test that has assumed great importance in statistical analysis and statistical inferences because it can be used without making assumptions about parameters, as it is a distribution free test.Chi-square is a measure which evaluates the extent to which a set of the observed frequency of a sample deviates from the corresponding set of the expected frequency of the sample. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN EXPERIENCE AND WAG ES H0=There exist no significant relationship between experience and wages H1= There exist significant relationship between experience and wages | |Wages | |Experience |Agree |Disagree |Total | |0 to 20 |12 |23 |35 | |20 to 40 |7 |8 |15 | |Total |19 |31 |50 | O |E |O-E |(O-E)2 |(O-E)2/E | |12 |13. 3 |-1. 3 |1. 69 |. 1271 | |23 |21. 7 |1. 3 |1. 69 |. 0779 | |7 |5. 7 |1. 3 |1. 69 |. 2965 | |8 |9. 3 |-1. 3 |1. 69 |. 1812 | |Total |. 6827 | Calculated Value of X2=. 6827Degree of freedom = 1 Table value at 5% level of significance =3. 841 As the calculated value is less than the table value the null hypothesis is accepted. The test of hypothesis reveals that there is no significant relationship between experience and wages. Those with more experience are not paid higher. Conclusion Analysis of collected data is shown in this chapter. Analysis of data is done by Frequency Tables, Bar Charts, Pie-diagram, and Chi-Square test. Information is interpreted in percentage forms Findings and reco mmendations are given in the following chapter. FINDINGS ? Majority of the employees are not satisfied with the promotion policy. The present job has improved their standard of living to some extend. ? Majority have the opinion that their job is secure. ? The employees are not getting adequate salary and the appreciation from their superiors is not satisfactory. ? Majority have the opinion that their skills are not fully utilized. ? The employees have a nice opinion about trade union activities and working condition. ? A healthy and relationship exists between workers and their superiors. The welfare measures provided by the company are not adequate. ? Majority of the respondents at WIP were male. ? Majority of the workers have education up to school level. ? Main experience of the workers at WIP is 17 years. Most of the workers fall in the age group of 31-40 mean age is 36 years. ? The test of hypothesis reveals that there is no significant relationship between experience and wages . Those with more experience are not paid higher. RECOMMENDATIONS ? It is advisable that the company should pay sufficient attention in providing monetary benefits to the employees ? The Management should take some initiative to enhance the welfare measures ? The employers should duly recognize and appreciate the efforts taken by the employees. It will give motivation to the employees ? It was found that the more experienced workers are not paid higher and thus resulting in employee dissatisfaction.It is advisable that the company should take some initiative to implement new wage system in which experience gets more importance. ? Timely promotions would greatly help the workers as they feel recognized. ? Valuable suggestions made by the workers should given due consideration. SUMMARY The findings generated by the analysis of data resulted in the following conclusions. This study finds that personal factors like experience, time spend with the family affect the level of job satisfact ion. Further analyses of data revealed that organisational factors like wages, reward, job security; role of job in increasing the standard of living affects the level of satisfaction.This study shows significant relationship between wages and standard of living Additionally this study reveals that managerial factors like ability, suggestions for improvement, relationship with superiors and co-workers contributes to the level of satisfaction. This study also indicates that working condition, role of trade union, welfare measures affects the level of satisfaction. BIBLIOGRAPHY Books Referred 1. VSP RAO, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, EXCELL BOOKS, NEW DELHI, 2000. 2. MAMORIA C. B. ; GANKAR S. V. ‘PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT TEXT AND CASES. HIMALAYA PUBLISHING HOUSE, MUMBAI 2004. 3. BISWAJET PATTNAYAK, HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT EXCELL BOOKS, NEW DELHI, 2000 4. KOTHARI C. R. RESEARCH METHODOLOGIES, WISHWA PRAKASHAN PUBLICATION, NEW DELHI, 1999. Websites www. questionpro. com www. wipltd. co m. INTERVIEW SCHEDULE A Study on Job Satisfaction of Employees Conducted at Western India Plywoods, Valapattanam 1. My job is secure Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 2. I get comparatively better salary Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 3. I usually get appreciation from superior officers Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 4. They encourage me to offer suggestions for improvement of my establishment Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 5.My job improved my standard of living Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 6. I had a better job prospect as per my qualification. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 7. I like to change my present job Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 8. I am satisfied with the relationship with my superiors and co-workers. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 9. My skills are completely utilized Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 10. I am satisfied with the trade union activities. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 1. Company provides number of welfare measures. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 12. I have a convenient working condition. Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 13. Your opinion about present promotion policy Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 14. I get enough time to look after my family Strongly agree(Agree(Disagree( Strongly disagree(No opinion( 15. Name: 16. Sex: 17. Age:21-30(31-40(41-50(Above 50( 18. Educational qualification SSLC(HSC(Graduation(PG( 19. Experience 0-10(10-20(20-30(30-40( 20. Marital Status Married(Single( ———————– C B A 21 – 30

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Why Did European Powers Seek Colonies Overseas?

In 1871, a new form of colonisation emerged in Europe and was later differentiated from the Empires of Spain and Portugal in the 15th and 16th centuries as New Imperialism. Intelligibly, it is also referred to as ‘the Scramble for Africa’, as a result of the swift rate at which nations clamoured to gain control of weaker regions in deviated areas from the 1600’s. There is much speculation surrounding the reasoning of such accelerated expansion, however, there is a clear correlation of events that have been linked to New Imperialism.I do not attest the popular belief that this colonisation increased tension in Europe and, in this essay, I will endeavour to present a synthesis of this premise. Similar to the explorers of old imperialism, European powers were drawn to Africa for economic benefits. The British economist, J. A Hobson, argued the drive for new colonies was influenced by the desire of capitalists to profit from these regions. The credibility of this asse rtion is heightened by the knowledge of the ongoing industrialisation of Europe, prompting a demand for larger markets and cheaper raw materials and labour.It was equally the case of nations, such as Britain, that were at the end of the industrial boom, as they sought new markets for manufactured goods. The abandonment of free trade in Europe in the 1870s signified the introduction of a wave of tariffs on imported goods and resulted in a sweeping effect across Europe to search for alternative markets elsewhere. The validation of this is reflected in the leap of Britain’s overseas investments from 187 million pounds in 1871 to 4,000 million pounds in 1914.Economic advantage was certainly a motivating factor, however, some European nations, such as France, underwent little industrial growth and had gained little from colonising. It appears imperialism was a source of national pride and acted as a distraction to unfavourable events at home. This was certainly the case in France, which was still recovering from a humiliating defeat in the Franco-Prussian war and was understandably envious of its European counterparts that were replete with wealth and power.It is then unsurprising that the French became one of the leading imperialists of the time, with an empire of Indo-China, north and west Africa and over 60 million people by 1914, although their colonies contributed sparsely to the economy. Imperialism was an accepted route to regard, as was expressed by both the French statesman, Leon Gambetta in the remark, â€Å"to remain a great nation/you must colonise† and the British writer A. C Benson, in his song, â€Å"Land of Hope and Glory† which applauded colonisation.The most intriguing and often bewildering explanation for imperialism was concerned with philanthropy. Although it seems an unnatural concept in this day and age, 19th century Europeans believed they were a superior race and it was their duty to cultivate European ideas and ways of living in Africa. This perspective was a manipulated adaptation of Darwin’s theory of natural selection and was widely regarded, particularly in Britain and Germany, as the truth.The view of the British writer, Rudyard Kipling, in ‘The White Man’s Burden’ is an appropriate reflection of this and depicts the so-called â€Å"burden† upon Europeans to help less fortunate races. Evidently, it was conceited; nevertheless, missionaries such as The White Fathers and Robert Moffat made progress in Africa to soothe troubles and, polemically, converted many from Paganism to Christianity. European Governments often used Darwin’s theory as an excuse to subjugate Africans and, thus, imperialism grew in popularity.Technological advances like the railway, steamship and telegraph and improved weaponry like the breech-loading rifle, capable of firing several rounds before the need to reload also gave Europeans a distinct advantage over natives and made Afric a much more vulnerable to attack. Many saw medical advances, such as, the use of quinine as protection from malaria and advances in transport as an opportunity to explore what was known as the ‘Dark Continent’, as many of the inner regions of Africa remained untouched until this time.The most famous of which, Dr. David Livingstone, whom travelled from his native Scotland to the vast regions of Central Africa to carry out medical and missionary work, enlightened the imagination of the European public. In 1869, Henry Stanley of the New York Herald sent for Livingstone after a loss of contact for over four years, and eventually succeeded when Livingstone was found at Lake Tanganyika in east Africa, greeting him with the famous line, â€Å"Dr. Livingstone, I presume? †. Following the disclosure of the story, Europeans became increasingly nterested in what Africa had to offer and pressure was put on governments to colonise; in Germany, many lobby groups, such as The G erman Navy League were created in support of colonisation and achieved their desires when Bismark, apparently â€Å"no man for colonies† acquired colonies in the Cameroons, Togal and east Africa, south west Africa and the Pacific Islands, like Marshall Isle. In fact, it was with adept explorers that ‘The Scramble of Africa’ began, when, in 1870, Henry Stanley took his experience from travelling Africa and, under the advice of King Leopold of Belgium, formed the International African Association.He then reached agreements with tribal leaders in the Congo region, in which they placed themselves and their subjects under the protection of King Leopold. The French followed suit with their explorer, Savorgnan de Brazza, being sent to the north of the River Congo where he reached similar agreements with indigenous tribal chiefs. The Germans joined in with their protectorate over the Cameroons in 1884 and so the scramble commenced. Wilhelm II was in power in Germany from 1890 to 1914, at the height of imperialism. He is largely responsible for the damaged relations in Europe as opposed to colonisation.Under the management of Bismark, 1871-1890, Europe was reasonably calm and relations remained unchanged, regardless of the imperialism taking place at the time. Bismarck realised the potential tension that could arise as a result of the race for colonies and called The Second Conference of Berlin, 1884-1885, to resolve the issue. It was agreed that the Congo Free State would be controlled by an international organisation and was to operate on a free trade basis, meaning the importation of goods would go without taxation.Natives were not to be exploited by European powers and the slave trade was to be abolished. Most importantly, Africa was to be divided into spheres of influence, whereby European powers were to be given economic and political rights in particular areas of the continent. This move cleared any uncertainty regarding where one could colon ise, with the exception of The Fashoda Crisis, 1898, which actually resulted in improved Anglo-French relations, following a brief clash over interests in a small village on the Nile in southern Sudan.In 1896, General Kitchener led the British in an attempt to secure Sudan from the north, while French forces, under General Marchand, arrived in Fashoda, 650km from the British-occupied Khartoum, seeking the very same result. Both leaders confronted one another at Fashoda and remained there for six months, until the French Foreign Minister, Theophile Delcasse, stood down, as the French were unprepared for war without their Russian ally and their difficult time after the Dreyfus Affair. The incident ended peacefully. Following the resignation of Bismarck in 1890, European relations were severed and the balance of power shifted uneasily.However, this was not the result of colonial rivalry; Wilhelm II made numerous mistakes in his administration of German foreign policy to disrupt Europea n relations and cause tension. This began with his poor response to Britain’s humiliating defeat in what is known as, the Jameson Raid. In 1895, the British Colonial Secretary, Joseph Chamberlain, along with Cecil Rhodes, Prime Minister of the Cape Colony and Dr. Starr Jameson, official to the British South African Company led a badly organised attack on the Boers in the Transvaal area of South Africa. They were easily defeated and Jameson himself was captured.This incident humiliated the British but did not affect European relations; it was the unnecessary telegram sent by Wilhelm II to Paul Kruger, President of the Transvaal, congratulating him of his defeat of the British, â€Å"without appealing to a friendly power† that caused uproar and hostility throughout Europe. The incident to follow – the First Moroccan Crisis, 1905-1906 – was a means of sabre rattling or troublemaking for Wilhelm II. In 1905, having been suspicious of French intentions, he lan ded his yacht at Tangiers and announced his support of Moroccan independence to the Sultan and pledged German protection of that independence.He then demanded a conference to be held in Algeciras to discuss the matter which France reluctantly agreed to. The main intention of Wilhelm II at this point was to test the strength of the Entente Cordiale between France and Britain and he hoped to weaken it through this intervention. However, Germany managed only to get the support of Morocco and Austria-Hungary, while France was supported by Britain, the US, Russia, Spain and even Italy. The crisis strengthened rather than weakened the Entente and was a direct result of the sabre rattling of Wilhelm II, not colonial rivalry.He interceded once again in the Second Moroccan Crisis, 1911, when he accused France of annexing Morocco. The grounds of his argument, after the occupation of French troops of Morocco when a war had broken out in the capital, Fez and foreigners were in danger, was a sup posed breech of the terms agreed in the Algeciras Conference, 1906. Wilhelm II sent a gunboat, the Panther to Agadir, however the British then intervened by commanding his retreat and threatening to send naval forces to stop him. He surrendered and Anglo-French ties were further strengthened.Wilhelm II was viewed as a warmonger – a seeker of war – and tension within Europe was strong, as a result of his conduct. New Imperialism did not occur as a result of one factor, but of an accumulation of vacillating events, for example, industrialisation that prompted technological advances, which encouraged explorers and eventually a saturation of industry or a failure to industrialise and a need to gain prestige elsewhere – all of which contributed heavily to imperialism. Regardless of the reasoning, by the 19th century, all of Africa with the exception of Abyssinia and Liberia had been conquered by European powers.However, the important question remains on how colonisat ion affected European relations; was it truly a contributing factor to World War I or was it indeed a derivative of existing tension at home that was actually accelerated by distrust between nations? Is it possible that imperialism was simply a distraction for Europeans from their quickly diminishing relations and may have delayed the inevitable outburst of war? It remains unanswered but I simply hope I have justified a slightly different interpretation of the affairs outlined above.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Westwood High School Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Westwood High School - Essay Example The institution was found to suffer from several happenings in a continual manner like losing in the state basketball tournament, death of a teacher due to accident, and suspension of students owing to issues like plagiarism. However of late it is found that the sudden emergence of some scintillating incidents inside the school premises has in total disturbed the educational atmosphere of the institution. The region of Winterhaven was considered as a peace loving locality whose people worked to restore the both the aesthetics and quality of life in the region. In the current scenario however it is observed that the region is increasingly becoming the haven of drug takers and other anti-social people. This rise in criminal activity in the region has also gained roots in the campus of Westwood School where large amount of weaponry was recovered in recent times. This rise in the level of criminal activity in the school campus gained impetus because of the prevalence of an open campus fo r which miscreants from outside gained the chance of penetrating inside during the recess hours. An incident of firing in which a student of the school got injured by the act of an outsider and also the rise in the taking of drugs inside the campus disturbed the school’s atmosphere to a very high extent. ... The rise in the number of anti-socials is found to gain a huge spur in the Chicago region like that happening in the region of Winterhaven in Washington who targets intruding the educational premises in an enhanced manner (Associated Press). Alternative Suggestions for the Identified Problem The problem been specifically identified in the above case large number of potential suggestions can be rendered to the high school administration committee to help take care of the young students. Several alternative solutions like putting barbed wire for proper fencing of the school premises can be done to reduce the level of intrusions of the miscreants. Again the frequency of conducting security checks can be increased inside the school premises wherein the bags and lockers of the students can be checked by members of the school community. This activity is considered would deter the students from carrying harmful weapons and drugs provided by the outsiders. However in addition to these kind o f physical activities the school authorities and the governing body can also take the help of technical elements like putting of hidden cameras and videos across the school campus to gain live footages of student activities in a spontaneous manner. Metal detectors can also be rendered in the hands of the security guards who can do checking of the school bags of the students at the time of entry. Vehicles parked in the parking lots of the school preemies must be frequently checked to avoid the rise of such criminal activities. Moreover the school authorities are also required to encourage the support from civilian armies like police and other investigating teams who would help in tracking down

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Film analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 3

Film analysis - Essay Example He has applied the necessary measures required in ensuring customers’ satisfaction and improving the value of products in promoting consumption. Some of the entrepreneurial skills that the business people can learn include knowing who you are and what you want, understanding that work matters the most, and ensuring constant improvement through maintaining perfection and cleanliness. The entrepreneurs are supposed to be passionate about their businesses. In the movie, Jiro portrays the characteristics of a business-minded person. He asserts that he has not attained his full potential in business. This is even though his restaurant has been honored with the Michelin star and him being considered as the world’s greatest chef. Success in business can only be achieved if the entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do. For instance, the title of the documentary is derived from Jiro himself who indicates that he dreams of Sushi i.e. how to prepare it, serve and craft a be tter brand for the next day ( He indicates that he has never hated his business and is always ecstatic when preparing the Sushi. Closer analysis of the movie indicates that Jiro’s success is not only a product of love for Sushi, but also the pursuit for excellence. This downplays the behavior of those entrepreneurs who jump from one industry to another. They should understand that success is not about possession of many ideas; it is the art of creating and enacting change in the product line in relation to customer satisfaction. This establishes the passion that makes a person attend to the needs of the customer whole heartedly and be committed to the business for a long time like Jiro. This movie educates the aspiring entrepreneurs on the necessary principles required for one to be successful in business. They should understand who they are, prioritize their work and understand that pursuit for success bears a substantial price. Jiro came from a broken marriage a nd personally fed for himself since childhood. According to, he was a bully during his childhood days. The restaurant business saved his life. The focus on business products such as Sushi can transform one’s life. Work provides business people with focus, discipline and the relentless urge to improve marketing techniques. Personal realization has enabled Jiro to cater for the needs of customers and uphold customer satisfaction in the process. The restaurant’s popularity is related to the excellent skills he applies in serving customers i.e. serving left-left handed people on the left and making the sushi relatively smaller for women. The pursuit of Jiro’s sons in perfecting their craftsmanship indicates that focus on work is the most eminent recipe of a successful business. In one of the movie scenes, the senior apprentice describes how he made the egg Sushi for six months before it was deemed acceptable by Yoshikazu. The egg sushi could not have been popular among customers if the apprentice focused on the monetary returns of the product instead of improving value. Another aspect of business success stipulated in the movie is cleanliness. Cleanliness is one of the requirements of ensuring customer satisfaction. Jiro asserts, â€Å"If the restaurant doesn’t feel clean, the food isn’t going to taste good† ( Users will never enjoy products that are not clean. Perfection comes along at a heavy price. Jiro started his business as a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Marketing - Essay Example Financial Data and Projections 9 Executive summary Our business will be situated in New York. It will focus on fast foods, with the unique selling point drawn from the offer of dazzling food products in a fulfilling atmosphere that will make customers enjoy their stay in our premises. Our business will target people doing shopping or students from schools, universities, and colleges from the neighborhood. Dizzy seeks to produce merchandise ranging from pre-packaged sauces and coffee to branded T-shirts (Armstrong & Kotler, 2011). The business will need a capital of $20,000 to start, whereby $15,000 will come from my personal savings and the remaining $5,000 will be obtained from a short-term loan. The business is expected to make revenues of $10,000 during the first year and $100,000 in the fifth year. The projected operating loss for the first year is -$1,500, while the projected operating profits for the fifth year is projected at $ 60,000. Evaluation and control If I will not achi eve the marketing goals that I have set, I will increase the marketing budget so that I can include more aggressive strategies such as roadshow promotions. In addition, I will drastically lower my prices and give incentives to my staff to improve their service to customers. If after marketing efforts I do not achieve my goals, I will try to apply alternative marketing campaigns until I realize my goals. I will especially try to apply al the marketing startgeies that are used by our major competitors such as AFC and Mcdonad. 2. Company description My business will be a New York-based Fast food restaurant, which will go by the name Dizzy Restaurant. Dizzy will offer a recipe of outstanding foods products in a fulfilling ambiance that will offer customers value for their money. This idea was hatched in response to the growing demand for high quality snack-based Fast food, especially by people doing shopping or students from schools, universities, and colleges from the neighborhood. I w ill start the business as a sole proprietor, but with the intentions of expanding the business into a partnership from the second year and into a limited company from the third year. The business will need a capital of $20,000 to start, whereby $15,000 will come from my personal savings and the remaining $5,000 will be sources as a short-term loan. 3. Strategic focus and plan a. Mission/vision statements Mission Dizzy comprises of a dedicated group of professionals who have a powerful devotion and zeal of providing high quality fast-foods, as well as an aspiration to pull their efforts together to deliver a great value to the customers. Vision We strive for broad appeal. We aspire to be the restaurant of preference for everyone, including young and old, families and singles, as well as male or female (Armstrong & Kotler, 2011). b. Goals Company Objectives 1 To establish a first class restaurant that will attract Fast food lovers and gain a substantial market share in New Yorkâ€℠¢s Fast food industry. 2 To make Dizzy an attractive destination for New York shoppers and students. 3 To open at-least 2 new outlets by the end of the third year. Operational financial Objectives 1. To generate up to $100,000 profits by the end of the third year 2. To generate up to $30,000 gross margin by the end of the first fiscal year c. Core Competency and Sustainable Competitive Advantage We shall rely on variety of marketing programs to

Loyalty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Loyalty - Essay Example Customers are exposed to numerous brands every day but they choose the ones that our trustworthy. Brands need to work hard in order to grab customer’s attention and to become their favorite. If it is successful in delivering the promises customers will automatically become loyal. Halliburton & Poenaru (2011) state that building trust among customers takes time and requires emotional and rational bonds to keep it strong for the future. Companies can safe-guard themselves in unstable situations (recession) if they are able to establish strong links with customers. No matter how risky the economic conditions are loyal customers would not stop buying these brands. However, some customers are easily distracted by prices and promotional offers and continuously switch their preferences. Their level of loyalty is seasonal and changes according to promotional campaigns. Such customers cannot be controlled. They can only be attracted using innovative offers. Companies should reinforce the importance of their brands or services so that customers do not deviate towards other products. Halliburton. C & Poenaru. A, 2011, ‘The Role of Trust in Customer Relationships,’ Discussion Paper by ESCP Europe Business School, Accessed online on 15th May, 2014,

Friday, July 26, 2019

International Human Resources Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

International Human Resources Management - Essay Example The available study on this question however was limited and many avoids the question. The study proposed the hypothesis based on a triad notion composed of three concepts: work involvement, driveness and work enjoyment. It was hypothesized that workaholics will score high on work involvement and driveness but low on work enjoyment while work enthusiasts will score high on work involvement and work enjoyment and low on driveness and that enthusiastic workaholics will score high on all three components. Methods and point of view of the author’s research The sample populations were 530 male and female managers and professionals using anonymous questionnaires. They are between 35 to over 50 years old who has MBA degrees obtained over a number of years before 1985. Almost 80 percent were married and almost one third worked 46Â ±50 hours per week. A response rate was excluded from the 591 responses that were returned and the sample was reduced further to 530 when respondents indic ated that they were no longer working full time. The three scales that were used were Work Involvement, Driveness and Work Enjoyment. The result of the scales were combined to produce six workaholism types: Work Enthusiasts (WEs), Workaholics (Ws), Enthusiastic Workaholics (EWs), Unengaged Workers (UWs), Relaxed Workers (RWs) and Disenchanted Workers (DWs) depending on how low or high they scored on the three scales. Of these, the three psychological and physical well-being were included. They were basically the parameters whether working too much would good or bad for our well-being. Respondents then were asked they experience each physical condition in the past year such as headches, etch. The study revealed that the largest number of the respondents fell into the UW (Unengaged Worker) at 23 percent, followed by EW (Enthusiastic Workaholic) at 19 percent, EW (Work Enthusiast) at 14 percent and RWs (Relaxed Worker) at 12 per cent. It was also found that the hypothesis of the triad notion composed of the concepts work involvement, driven, work enjoyment were directly interrelated along with the significant correlation of the three indicators of psychological and physical well-being. But the most conclusive finding is that the two factors of the triad, driven and work enjoyment were inversely interrelated. Meaning, as one is driven or pressured to work, the less one enjoys it. It was also found that WEs, EWs and RWs had fewer psychosomatic symptoms than did both Ws and DWs. It meant that an enthusiastic worker suffers fewer stress compared to unengaged worker and relaxed worker and have a better life than the workaholic types such as W, UWs and DWs. In conclusion, enthusiastic workers such as those who fell into the category of WE and EW suffers lesser stress than the workaholic and those who likes their work has a better emotional well-being than the workaholics. Discussion Having answered the question that indeed overworking could not be good for our over-all well being, the study now compels managers and employees alike to be less obsessive with work and to relax a bit. It also implies that managers experiencing poor emotional and physical well-being may not enjoy their work and become more stressful. While the research was able to determine the correlation between overworking and stress, it was not however able to determine

Thursday, July 25, 2019

EMR Information System Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

EMR Information System - Article Example Electronic records also provide opportunities for standardization of forms, abbreviations, as well as data input. Where the medical forms are digitized, the collection of data for epidemiology and clinical studies can also be facilitated (Bates,, 2003). EMRs can also easily be constantly updated and the ability to exchange records between the EMR systems can also assist in the coordination of health delivery in other health facilities. Moreover, the data from the EMR can also be used alongside statistical reporting which can assist in quality improvement, as well as resource management and public health disease surveillance (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, 2003). EMRs can also facilitate the reading and writing of patient’s records through the workstation but also through mobile devices (Littlejohns,, 2003). These records may also include improved access to personal health records which makes individual notes within each unit readily available to consumers. Some EMR systems also allow for the automatic monitoring of clinical events involving specific patients, assessing patient data from the electronic health records in order to predict, as well as detect possible adverse events or risks (Littlejohns,, 2003). This would likely include discharge or transfer orders, laboratory results, as well as medicine orders and related services/orders. I agree with what Mr. Aaron said because EMR helps capture data at the point of care and then to integrate such data with various internal and external sources (Ammemworth,, 2003). This type of data also helps provide support for the decisions of caregivers in terms of diagnosis as well as timely care. This data also ensures immediate access to key information, including allergies and medications which can help improve the caregivers’ ability to make sound and timely clinical decisions (Ammemworth,, 2003).  

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Are Sweatshops Good or Bad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Are Sweatshops Good or Bad - Essay Example According to the US Department of Labor, 50% of the of the garment factories operating in the USA have been found to be violating 2 or more labor laws, thus falling in the category of sweat shops (Powell and Skarbek, 3). However, the fact that they are important source of livelihoods for the majority poor within different economies of the world is also indisputable (Pollin, et al, 9). Therefore, while assessing the question of whether sweat shops are good or bad, it is important to consider that either way; the entities must find a way to survive through different economies. At this point, it is necessary to ponder on this question; would the existence of sweatshops result in more harm than the harm that would result from the closure of all sweatshops globally? In this respect, this discussion holds the argument that sweatshops are good. This is because: The fact that something is always better than nothing still holds for the majority poor. Sweat shops have created numerous job opportunities for the unskilled and the semi-skilled workforce both in the USA and throughout the world. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 1997 census statistics, over 2 million people in 150 countries globally work in garment sweatshops that produce apparel for USA alone (National Labor Committee, 2).

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Macroeconomic Stock Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macroeconomic Stock Project - Essay Example he period of investment is just over a few months so for the portfolio to get a suitable yield, numerous purchases and selling of different stock are done on daily basis or within a short time period within a week. For example, the purchase of 1363 SouFun Holding (SFUN) share at $74.28 on 2/24/14 leads to a total sale of the same shares on 2/26/14 at $76.31. Essentially a capital gain of $2.03 per share is made in the process. Hence the strategy of buy low and sell when high works in this scenario. The various stocks mentioned above helps in portfolio diversification by reducing the specific risks of each stock invested. Investment in XUE stocks was stable at $5.79 hence no gain was realized on this particular stock. This can be accounted by very little business acquisition and activity by this company during this period during the trading period. Vipshops holdings (VIPS), however, is bullish, Goldman Sachs involvement in upgrading this company’s business activity has elevated the share price. Weibo Hu analysis has projected a market growth of 0.5% in VIPS apparel subsidiary in China and the credibility of the company signifies potential positive growth in the future. If the portfolio had stocks that had their prices rarely fluctuating within the two days of trading, the trading position is closed. The same was done for stocks that were making capital gains. Just like any real diversified investment portfolio, the well performing stocks like VIPS and SFUN offset the short term capital loses made by bearish stocks like XUE (Xuenda Education) and CCIH (China Cache International). Above is CCIH (China Cache International Holdings) share price being bearish over a three month period of trading. This led to slight losses in the portfolio considering the shares were never held longer than a week. ZEN (Zendek incorporation) stock price rose substantially after the initial public offering. The share traded above the $10 mark, but this portfolio however did not

Monday, July 22, 2019

The Fire Inside Me Essay Example for Free

The Fire Inside Me Essay A spark has been lit inside of me. It has become attached to my body, creating a fire that will soon consume me. There are things I do want out of life for myself, and this fire is there for that reason. The fire forces me to achieve all of my goals. The fire started as all fires start—the tiniest spark. I could tell from the â€Å"pinch-like† pain that the spark landed right above my smaller intestine, right in the â€Å"pit of my stomach. † With each goal I set for myself, the fire grows stronger, hotter, and brighter than ever before. I want to go to college, and with that thought to myself, I can feel the fire grow inside of me. The faint smell of smoke that would make one reminisce a childhood campfire appears in my nostrils. My skin grows slightly warmer, and my once cool, wet, clammy palms have suddenly become cool and dry. I want to be valedictorian, and in less than a minute, I can feel the tiny fire grow larger, enveloping my stomach, liver, gall bladder, and spleen. The fire has grown to the size where one could see an array of colors: orange, red, yellow, and the faintest blue-tinge located in the center of the fire. I want to win states for soccer; immediately the fire increases in size yet again, this time consuming my lungs, muscles, and bones; it takes control of my intestines, esophagus and kidneys. With every exhale I put forth, I feel dark black smoke rise through my trachea and slowly drip out of my nostrils, leaving only the smell of smoke, and the sight of black vapor wisping in front of my eyes. My eyes that were once blue have slowly began to turn red, as if to show others of the fire that consumes me—the fire that drives me. The flame’s tendrils whip around my heart and brain, close enough to cook my two-most-vital organs. With every piece of food I eat, the taste of charcoal rises to my lips and tongue, giving me no more enjoyment in either eating or drinking. I have become permanently dehydrated because everything I drink soon turns to vapor due to the heat. No longer am I cold, or even warm, but am now hot to the touch. I will be successful, and with this goal, the fire completely envelops me. The heat in my body could raise the temperature of the Arctic Circle by a few degrees. I can now hear the sound of my organs sizzling, crackling, and popping in the intense heat. The fire is now displayed in brilliant shades of blue, light and dark, purple, a vibrant yellow, a spectacular red, and a bright orange. The sight of my fire would be enough to put to shame any sunrise or sunset. With every breath I take, the air is immediately lost, used instead to fuel the fire. The fire that now consumes me has become a part of me. It lives inside me and forces my thoughts to be centered. The fire no longer causes pain for me, as I have come to accept my fire, my passion and drive. Soon, with me slowly accomplishing my goals one by one, it still pushes me onward. It makes it so that I can push past any obstacle in front of me. The fire allows me to see that I will be successful and that I will achieve all my life’s goals. I sometimes cannot help wondering if Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, or any other great history-maker had a fire of their own much like this. I understand that the fire will one day diminish. It will once again lose control over my body, leaving behind only black colored organs, the minor smell of smoke, and the slight taste of charcoal. Soon, the fire will become only a spark once again leaving the remainder of my fire to dissipate in the last smoke vapor to leave my burnt nostrils. But for now, the fire still fuels me. For now, if one would look closely enough, past the burnt hair, the blackened organs, and the pulsating red eyes, they would still be able to see that tiny spark.

Attila the Hun - Short Story Essay Example for Free

Attila the Hun Short Story Essay Why were the military campaigns of Attila the Hun successful? Attila’s military success will be explained through his ability to lure the Romans into war on a pretext whenever the Romans were vulnerable. His motives behind each war was to abstract as much money from the Romans as possible. Also to be explored will be his ability to assert psychological domination over the Eastern Emperor at a time when the two Empires were at peace. Furthermore to be examined will be his ability to portray himself as diplomatic through treaties and embassy consultations between the Romans and the Huns. Also to be looked at will be how successful was Attila’s at creating and seizing opportunities This will be done by looking at Attila’s campaigns in the east and west Roman Empires. After the death of their Uncle Rua 435/6, Attila and his brother Bleda took control of the Hunnic Empire. The two brothers decided to renegotiate the relationship that existed between their Uncle Rua and the Eastern Roman Empire based in Constantinople. The Treaty set up by Rua, stipulated that, the Romans paid him an annual subsidy of 350 lbs of gold. He also demanded fugitives who had fled to the Romans and threatened war if they were not returned. The negotiations took place near the city of Margus in 438. According to Priscus the meeting took place according to both parties’ customs. The Huns would hear what the Romans had to say while mounted on horseback while the Romans discussed the meeting on foot. The Huns dictated the new terms of the treaty, referred to as the Peace of Margus. The Huns decided the annual subsidy was to be raised to the sum of 700lbs. The treaty also fixed that for every Roman captive who had escaped from the barbarians, the Romans must pay eight pieces of gold. The treaty also predetermined that all fugitives must be returned to the Huns. Furthermore the emperor Theodosius was to relinquish any ongoing treaties with enemies of the Huns. Moreover the Huns were to conduct the way the free markets on the northern side of the Danube were controlled. Attila used the markets as a pretext to wage war on the east. The free markets were attacked by Hunnic traders in 441/2 killing Roman merchants during the raid. Theodosius complained that the Huns had violated the â€Å"Peace of Margus†. The Huns reported to the Romans that the Bishop of Margus had crossed over to their territory and robbed their royal tombs. They complained that the Romans had not honoured the Peace of Margus by refusing to return fugitives to them. Additionally, they demanded the Bishop be handed over as well. The significance of these allegations was central to the Huns plan for an attack during the campaigning season. The Romans refused both claims and war was declared. Having successfully provoked the Eastern Romans into a war had been a strategic move by the Hunnic leader. Attila knew the eastern Roman field forces were based in Sicily on a joint expedition with the Western Empire to recapture Carthage from the Vandals led by king Geseric. The North African campaign was partially why Theodosius readily agreed to the treaty of Margus. He thought it would give the east breathing space. Moreover Carthage was crucial to the Western Empire as it provided Rome with grain. Knowing that the east was vulnerable, the Huns would cause carnage throughout the Balkans. Margus was a key city that opened up the Balkans for the Hunnic invasion of the east. The Bishop of Margus defected to the Huns. In return for clemency he handed over the Episcopal city. The Huns swept through the Balkans raising cities to the ground. The key fortified city of Naissus was besieged and taken. Priscus gives an account of the siege. He states â€Å"a large number of [Hunnic siege] engines had been brought up to the wallthe so called rams were brought up alsoA beam is suspended by slack chains†. However, Professor E.A Thompson disputes that the siege occurred and that Priscus borrows heavily on Thucydides’ account of the Battle at Plataea. Professor Thompson states four reasons to argue his point, among them the Huns inept ability to construct such machines and also it is unlikely that the Hunnic archers, who rarely dismounted, would on this occasion have left their horses for a totally alien form of warfare. On the other hand, they may have been quite capable of such construction for it is well documented they had enslaved many tradesmen. As for example in the bath which was made for the Hunnic noble Onegesius by a craftsman who was captured at Sirmium. Nevertheless the Huns ransacked and pillaged the Balkans taking fortified cities along the way such as Viminacium, Illyricum and defeated the Roman army at Chersonese. According to Brian Croke, In 441 the Huns invaded Illyricum only and in 442 broke into northern Thrace . The Romans sued for peace and the Treaty of Anatolius was agreed. Attila terms demanded that the annual tribute be tripled to 2,100 pounds of gold. He also compelled the Romans to surrender all Hun deserters and to ransom their own deserters at a rate of twelve solidi each. The treaty, however, contained one provision that had no precedent. Attila forced the Romans to make an immediate payment of 6,000 pounds of gold. Attila’s plan to force a war to bring about higher subsidies had worked. He would devastate the Balkans for a second time in 447 when he came looking for subsidies that were in arrears. When Atillas second campaign of the Balkans began in 447 he was sole leader of the Huns after having his brother Bleda killed in 445/6. A year later an embassy was sent by Attila to the Imperial court to address the issue of arrears and fugitives. The Romans were now feeling in a stronger position. They had introduced a new law in 443 which insured Military readiness for the Eastern Field forces. They had been strengthened by a recruitment of a large number of Isaurians – traditionally bandits- from the highlands of Cilicia in south-west Asia Minor. Moreover the Eastern army had been forced to return from Sicily after Attila’s first campaign. Attila turned as far south to Thermopylae and then west, ransacking Marcianople, Arcadiopolis, and Callipolis. An earthquake at Constantinople had occurred, Attila decided to turn back. The Imperial City was heavily fortified with triple walls that had been repaired hastily after the earthquake. The legislated Military Readiness law was of little use to the Romans as Attila wreaked havoc on an unprecedented scale. The results were the same as the first campaign, the Romans sued for peace and the second treaty of Anatolius was agreed. More subsides was agreed and a large track of land to act as a buffer zone between the Huns and the Romans was approved. Attila had succeeded at luring the Eastern Empire into war on a pretext to extort more subsidies. He was also adept at asserting his psychological domination, by humiliating the Eastern Emperor Theodosius at Constantinople. Theodosius was humiliated in 449 when his Eunuch Chrysaphius hatched a plot to assassinate Attila. The Plot was unbeknown to the Roman ambassador Maximinus, and his escort Priscus. They were sent to Attila’s camp to discuss issues in the treaty such as the ongoing fugitives case and the issue of the land used as a buffer zone. To give a picture of the devastation Attila caused in the Balkans. Prisucus relates how when travelling to Attila’s court in 449 they stopped at Naissus to pitch tent, he states how the pl ace was littered with bones from Attila’s first campaign. Attila’s refusal to meet the missionaries irritated Maximinus and Priscus. He ordered them to leave then ordered them to stay. Maximinus and Priscus were at a loss to Attila’s behaviour. Maximinus was frustrated and urged Priscus to arrange a meeting with Attila. Priscus succeeded by offering gifts to Onegesius’ brother Scottas to secure them a meeting with Attila. The two missionaries were shocked when it was revealed to them by Attila’s men the purpose of their mission. After nothing left to stay for they departed home despaired. They met their interpreter Bigilas travelling back to Attila’s court whom he had dismissed earlier. When they had initially left Constantinople, Chrysaphius had persuaded Edeco to kill Attila. Edeco had arrived in Constantinople the previous spring as a Hunnic ambassador and was now returning to Attila’s camp along with Maximinus and Priscus. Edeco a faithful and trustful servant to Attila had revealed the details at once. When Bigilas arrived he was immediately set upon by Attila’s men a nd a bag with 50lbs of gold was found in his possession. It was the reward money to Edeco if he had succeeded in killing Attila. Bigilas’ son was threatened with death if he did not come back with another 50lbs of gold. Attila sent his Roman secretary Orestes as a Hunnic ambassador to Constantinople with the empty bag around his neck. His instructions were to ask Theodosius if he recognised the bag. Priscus gives a clear account of the humiliation when he states â€Å"Eslas was to say directly that Theodosius was the son of a nobly born father, and Attila too was off noble descentwhereas Attila had preserved his noble linage, Theodosius had fallen from his and was Attila’s slave bound to the payment of tribute†. Attila had succeeded at psychologically humiliating Theodosius. Furthermore, as the interpreter returned with the 50lb of gold to free his son, Attila had gained more subsidies in the form of 100lbs gold even though the two sides were at peace. Priscus observed an interesting point at Attila’s court. He noticed Attila was asking western ambassadors to hand over a silver plate dealer who resided in Rome, named Silvanus. Attila claimed Silvanus had stolen gold vessels from him. Silvanus maintained he had bought the vessels from Attila’s secretary Constantius. Attila had Constantius crucified and called for the surrender of the Silvanus. The Roman General Aetius refused Attila’s demand. Aetius declared that Silvanus was Constantius’ creditor, despite the fact that he did offer to pay for the price of the vessels he would not hand over the innocent Silvanus. Attila had got his pretext to wage war in the west. Moreover in c.450 a Frankish succession crisis brought about a situation where one claimant appealed to the Huns and the other to the Vatican. In 451 Attila left the Hungarian plains and turned westwards to Gaul. The Hunnic invasion of Gaul was accompanied by allies such as the Rugian, Gepid, Burgundian, Scirian, Thuringian and Franks. They initially swept away defenceless cities such as Metz and Constantine’s’ old Imperial city at Trier. At the city of Orleans they met heavy resistance from the Alans who were in the service of the Romans. Aetius and Theodoric along with several other mercenary tribes manage to lure Attila away from Orleans. The following month was the Battle of Chalons on the Catalaunian fields. The battle of Catulaunian Fields is regarded as one of the decisive battles of the western world. Attila’s army was defeated by Aetius who represented the incapable Western Emperor Valentinian. Both sides suffered heavy losses, the Gothic king Theodoric had been killed in the battle. Aetius advised Theodoric’s’ son Thorismud to return home to defend his claim to the throne, as a result disabling Aetius’ pursuit of the battle against the Hunnic alliance. Attila retreated back to the Hungarian plains to plan his next move. Within a year the Huns were on the move again. The Western Emperor Valentinian’ sister Honoria had been caught having an affair and was bethrothed to another man named Herculanus. She sent her eunuch Hyacinthus to Attila before he entered Gaul offering herself as his wife and half the western Empire as her dowry. She had sent her ring as proof of her commitment. Attila waged war on Italy in 452 on the pretext he was entitled to half the Western Empire. Attila pillaged the wealthiest cities in northern Italy most notably Aquileia and Milan. When he was marching towards Rome papal legend claims Pope Leo persuaded him to abandon his plan and not to attack Rome. More practical issues would be his incompetence in preparing a supply line of food for his huge army. It could also be said the army was suffering from breakouts of various diseases. Furthermore an Eastern Roman General also named Aetius had invaded Attila’s kingdom. Nonetheless, Attila decided to return home to his vast Empire north of the Danube where he died the following year on his wedding night. The Huns had been inadvertently responsible for creating the instability the Western Empire now faced. Attila’s predecessors had forced, Germanic, Alans, Suevi and other tribes into the Empire for sanctuary. In 376 the Romans were beseeched by Goths north of the Danube to be admitted into the Empire who had been retreating under Hunnic Pressure. They had been driven from their lands by the Huns and were now crossing the Danube to reach the Empire. When the Goths were admitted into the Empire during the late fourth century, the authorities gave them food and land to cultivate. The Eastern Emperor Valens viewed them as foedearti and more taxes; this would benefit the army and treasury alike. Moreover the rich landowners would benefit from their labourer. Too many refugees came across for the Romans to count, but it may possibly have been in the tens or hundreds of thousands. Many were dispersed to whether they were needed to stop them becoming a threat to the Empire. The displacement of the Goths by the Huns and acceptance by Emperor Valens is often viewed as the beginning of the end for the Western Roman Empire. The invitation quickly turned to attempted invasion when the Romans in the east suffered their worst defeat in 600 years at the battle of Adrianople in 378. The Goths led by king Fritergen killed the emperor Valens; not until the ninth century would another emperor die in battle. They slaughtered two thirds of the Eastern Roman army. It was a self inflicted wound, near crippling the east. If the Goths had been treated better in the east, they may have helped the Romans face the Hunnic hordes already closing in from the Steppes. Furthermore slightly more than three decades later the Visigoths led by Alaric would sack Rome in 410. These two conquests in the east and west is evident the once mighty Roman Empires glory days were almost at an end. By the time the Huns had turned west from the Hungarian plains into Gaul, the west was already a weakened Empire through lose of land, taxes and military power. By the time of Attila’s arrival the Western Empire was dominated by barbarian tribes. Germanic forces had fought and weakened the empire in northern Gaul. Consequently it seems to have become a patchwork of territories ruled by unrecognised chiefs, leaders whose authority was based upon Roman titles, and barbarian warlords. The tribes were dominant enough to conduct their own foreign policy and more importantly, alliances, without Roman approval. For example Theodoric married his one of his daughters to the heir of the Vandal throne and another to the Suevic king. In Gaul 406, 408, and 411, the Romans had fought among themselves and suffered heavy losses. Supported by the Huns in 425 they suffered further losses at the hands of the Vandals. In 439 Aetius was fighting the Goths in Gaul in and restoring order against local rebels named by Romans as Bagaudae at Aremorica. Geseric took advantage and took Carthage by surprise. Due to the manpower crisis the Empire could not afford to fight on two fronts. To protect Carthage, Aetius had to make peace with the Gothic king Theodoric to free himself in order to fight the Vandals. Aetius had increasingly become heavily depended upon recruiting barbarian allies outside the Empire.. Attila made unsuccessful attempts to extract wealth from the west. Attila’s campaigns can be measured as successful through his tactics, his ability to lure the Romans into war on a pretext. He tended to act diplomatic by negotiating treaties then he would dishonour his own treaty and blame the Romans, Attila repeatedly used the issue â€Å"fugitives† as a case to wage war. Attila’s success can be measured on his achievements through the raising of subsides with each treaty. Attila achieved what he had set out to do from the start and that was to get as much money from the Romans as possible. Attila never wanted to conquer Constantinople or Rome. He wanted to extract as much subsides as he could. The Eastern Empire collected taxes from Egypt to Asia Minor and the Huns had no navy to uphold this lucrative adventure. It was easier for them to collect of the Romans. His successful campaigns were planned strategically. His campaigns can be measured by breaking up an important joint East-West enterprise to save Carthage. This is also the case in the west. He knew it was in a factional position and politically unstable. It was an opportunity Attila Seized upon. Attila campaigns were thought out in advance and sometimes long before the enemy realised. Attila could also be tactful; evident to this was shown hen Attila humiliated Theodosius. [ 1 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443. in The American Journal of Philology, Vol. XCV11, No. 2 (1976), p.178 [ 2 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., p.177 [ 3 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire: A new history of Rome and the barbarians (USA, 2006), p.301 [ 4 ]. E. Gibbon, (2012-05-12). History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire Volume 3 (Kindle Locations 3917-3922). . Kindle Edition. [ 5 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.301 [ 6 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., p.177 [ 7 ]. E. Gibbon, (2012-05-12). History of the Decline and fall of the Roman Empire Volume 3 (Kindle Locations 3998-4001). . Kindle Edition. [ 8 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443, p.178 [ 9 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.302 [ 10 ]. R. Blockley, â€Å"Dexippus and Priscus and the Thucydidean account of the siege of Plataea†. in Phoenix, Vol. XXV1, No. 1 (1972), p.25 [ 11 ]. R. Blockley, â€Å"Dexippus and Priscus and the Thucydidean account of the siege of Plataea†, p.25 [ 12 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., pp. 176-179 [ 13 ]. B.Croke, The Context and Date of Priscus Fragment 6. Classical Philology, Vol. 78, No. 4 (Oct., 1983), pp. 297-308 [ 14 ]. W. Bayless, The Treaty with the Huns of 443., pp. 176-179 [ 15 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.302 [ 16 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.302 [ 17 ]. Medieval Sourcebook, â€Å"Priscus at the court of Attila† ( (30 Nov. 2012) [ 18 ]. Medieval Sourcebook, â€Å"Priscus at the court of Attila† ( (30 Nov. 2012) [ 19 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.324 [ 20 ]. Medieval Sourcebook, â€Å"Priscus at the court of Attila† ( (30 Nov. 2012) [ 21 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West 376-568 (UK, 2007), p.250 [ 22 ]. P. Heather, The fall of the Roman Empire, p.324 [ 23 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.253 [ 24 ]. E.A. Thompson, Romans and Barbarians, p.16 [ 25 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.252 [ 26 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.252 [ 27 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West 376-568, p.254 [ 28 ]. P. Heather. The Huns and the End of the Roman Empire in The English Historical Review, Vol. 110, No. 435 (Feb., 1995), p.11 [ 29 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided 400-700 (UK, 2001), p12 [ 30 ]. E.A. Thompson, Romans and Barbarians: The decline of the Western Empire (USA, 1982), p.16 [ 31 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided, p.12 [ 32 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided, p.62 [ 33 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.243 [ 34 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.247 [ 35 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.245 [ 36 ]. G. Halsall, Barbarians Migrations and the Roman West, p.254 [ 37 ]. J. Moorhead, The Roman Empire divided, p.53

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Function Of The Lymphatic System

Function Of The Lymphatic System The key function of the lymphatic system is to bring together and transport tissue fluids from the intercellular spaces that does gas exchange, water transport and also for ion movement into all the tissues of our body and then back to the veins into the blood system. It does an important role by returning plasma proteins to the bloodstream, and then digests the fats that are absorbed and then it transported from the villi into the small intestine then to the bloodstream thru the lacteals and lymph vessels. The new ones of lymphocytes are being factory-made in the lymph nodes antibodies and anti-assist that the body builds up an effective immunity to infectious diseases. The lymph node does an important role to protect mechanism of the body and it filters out micro-organisms such as, bacteria and foreign substances e.g. toxins. As it transports giant molecular compounds e.g. hormones and enzymes from their manufactured sites into to the bloodstream. The lymph nodes are small and they are bean-shaped like kidney It work as filter of the lymphatic fluid and as the lymph passes through the lymph nodes, pathogens present in the lymph activates lymphocytes and macrophages to destroy the microbes. Lymphatic vessels take place through the body beside arteries in the veins or viscera also in the subcutaneous tissue. They absent from the central nervous system to bone marrow, teeth, and avascular tissues. A lymph vessel transports the fluid it is called lymph, the lymph contains white blood cell that transports in and out of the bloodstream as its needed. If the body is attacked by a foreign substance, its often transported from the bloodstream into the lymphatic system for removal. The lymph vessels has not have central pump however, lymph needs to be transported by the peristaltic contractions of the vessels themselves. Lymphatic ducts are a main lymph vessel that gathers lymph draining from the right upper our body and head. The lymphatic duct is quarter-inch in diameter and about two inches long; it discharges into the right subclavian vein, delivering lymph into to the bloodstream. The thymus is an organ in the body controls the immune processes, the thymus procedure is a type of white blood cell that is known as a T-lymphocyte by this it means that they help our cells to recognise and destroy invading viruses, bacteria, abnormal cell growth e.g. cancer, and foreign tissues. Thymus gland helps to protect the heart along with the pericardium, as it produces hormones that stimulate the manufacture of certain infection fighting cells. In the children it helps immunity by producing white blood cell including T-cells. It atrophies as the child gets older therefore, person grows its roles becomes less so that the adults doesnt tend to have one as the bones and spleen take over those jobs. The spleens function is connected to the immune system or with the blood supply. The spleen get rid of the old red blood cells that is call erythrocytes from the blood supply and also removes stores and then produces white blood cell called lymphocytes. The lymphocyte produces antibodies and assists in removing microorganisms and bacteria from the blood supply. Task 2(M5) The lymphatic system maintenance the immune system in removing and destroying waste remains, toxins, dead blood cells, pathogens, and cancer cells. The lymphatic system absorbs fats and vitamins from the digestive system then delivers the nutrients to the cells where it uses it cells, also the lymphatic system get rid of excess fluid and also waste products from the interstitial spaces among the cells. The main maintain is the fluid and balance protein in the body, the lymphatic system performances as a minor circulatory system and plays a key role in continuing homeostasis good healthily. The Lymph is the fluid that is carried by the lymphatic system. It initiates as blood plasma the liquid component of the blood, after when it has been lost from the circulatory system due to hydrostatic pressure. Then the plasma leaks out of the blood vessel and into the surrounding tissues. Then it enters the lymphatic system once when its within the lymphatic system, the lymph has alike work to the original interstitial fluid, and the extracellular fluid that surrounds cells. The large gap between the cells is designed, which allows fluid, interstitial proteins and other e.g. bacteria to flow into the lymph capillary. The lymph has one way system that travels between the cells of the body, from the interstitial spaces to the subclavian veins just next of the neck. As the lymphatic system doesnt have no central pump like heart to pump it, its movement depends with the muscles and joint pumps. As it moves upper body towards the neck the lymph passes slowly through the lymph node that filters, it to remove debris and pathogens the neck lymph flows into the subclavian veins on whichever side of the neck. The fluid vertebral into the venous circulation of the circulatory system from the tissues in order to stop dehydration fights against the infections and recycle plasma protein. The blood carries nutrients, oxygen, and hormones for the cells. The 10% remaining of the fluid that stays in the tissues as its known as lymph. The 90% of this fluid then returns to the venous circulation through the venues and continues as venous blood. The (MALT) mucosa associated lymphoid tissue is immune responses to specific antigens come across alongside all mucosal surfaces, MALT inductive immune tissues where antigen sample occurs. The larger group function is like lymph nodes smaller, spreads MALT are mostly T lymphocytes also it has B cells and plasma cells. The IgA in the intestines and respiratory tract is to protect against pathogens that may access to underlay tissues. lymphatic-system Task 3 (D3) Infection of the Lymphatic System Lymphedema: One of the disorders which occurs due builds-up of lymphatic fluid in the interstitial tissue. The affects is swelling in the arm, legs and in other part of the body. The harshness of this disorder varies an abnormal virus which is painful, disfiguring and cellulite infections deep in skin. If this doesnt get treated, the skin eventually becomes fibrotic thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissues losing normal structure, functionality and movement. There are two types: Primary Lymphedema: Is genetic condition that occurs due to impaired or missing lymphatic vessels, which can affect from one to several as four limbs at other part of the body this may carry an internal organ which could be exhibited at birth, develops onset of puberty or happens in adulthood without any apparent causes. Secondary Lymphedema: is basically developed regional lymphatic insufficiency which occurs due to infection, any operation or suffocating that disrupts the lymphatic vessels or even loss lymph nodes. There are a few abnormal count of the patients blood: His Red Blood (Platelet count) is in the normal range, but its very low His white blood cell count is higher than the normal average range, its 15.0 when its meant to be between 4.0 -6.0 His Basophilis and Eosinophils both are very low His Lymphocytes is too high, its over the normal range His Monocytes is in the average but its high The underlying mechanisms that could have produced this abnormal blood count in a patient with Lymphoma, is because Lymphoma is a cancer that attacks the white blood cell by that the patients blood count to have Lymphoma. Patients with lymphoma produce abnormal lymphocytes, which they are white blood cell. Lymphocytes are mostly found in the lymphoid tissues and lymph nodes, which that make the lymphatic system. this is where lymphoma occurs